City of Austin, North Burnet/Gateway Area Planning and Transportation Study
The City of Austin retained the services of Carter & Burgess (C&B) project team to conduct a transportation and urban design study for the North Burnet / Gateway corridor. Specifically, the study area is generally bounded by Research Boulevard, Metric Boulevard, Braker Lane, Mopac, and Park Bend (approximately 1,300 acres). Raymond Chan & Associates, Inc. (RC&A) was responsible for identifying existing utility and estimating future utility requirements for the study area. RC&A’s task include coordination with Austin Area Utility Coordination Committee to obtain and review available utility data, delineate known utilities on City of Austin GIS base map, review proposed improvements provided "by others", review future development scenarios, coordinate with utility companies and entities on issues related to the proposed improvements, establish potential regional detention pond locations, prepare memorandum documenting methodology and findings, Quality Assurance/Quality Control, address review comments and assist C&B in preparing final plan.
City of Austin, Transit Oriented District (TOD) Planning Project Phase 1 - MLK Boulevard Neighborhood Center TOD, Lamar Blvd. Neighborhood Center TOD and Saltillo Plaza Neighborhood Center TOD
In response to future commuter rail service connecting the cities of Austin and Leander, Austin has made a commitment towards focusing growth around transit facilities by supporting Transit-Oriented Development. Under guidance from the City of Austin Departments of Neighborhood Planning and Zoning and Public Works and from Capital Metro, the purpose of this effort is to develop and implement the Station Area Planning (SAP) project, to meet the following objectives:
Improve the quality of life for those living and working in the Urban Commuter Rail and the Rapid Bus Transit Station Areas (see exhibit).
Establish pedestrian and transit-friendly land use plans, policies, strategies and development standards and urban design guidelines that can help lead to early implementation of TOD in the station areas.
Raymond Chan & Associates, Inc. (RC&A) principal role for this project is to identify the existing utility and whether the existing utility infrastructure has sufficient capacity to serve the future TOD development in the three study areas (Areas 3, 4, and 5 in exhibit). The utility information included water, wastewater, storm drain, electric and gas. RC&A coordinated with utility entities and collected utility information from each entity. RC&A then delineated the utility information on the City of Austin GIS base map. Upon receiving future land use concepts for each of the three station areas, RC&A coordinated with the City of Austin staff to determine the potential utility requirements for these areas. RC&A then identified potential future utility improvements to meet the TOD development.